Parkinson's Awareness Month | April 2022 | Join the National Conference
The Aufzien Family Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease – a Tel Aviv University affiliate – in collaboration with the Israel Parkinson Association, will hold this year's National Conference on Parkinson's Disease on Monday, April 11. Following last year's successful online conference, this year's National Conference will be held at Tel Aviv University and will focus on Digital Technologies Serving People with Parkinson's.
The conference, geared primarily toward physicians, academic researchers, patients, families, and the industry, will offer a unique opportunity to hear the latest in the field of Parkinson’s and also to hear people living with Parkinson’s and their families talk about their hopes and challenges. There is no better way to understand the condition and the unmet needs of people living with the challenges of Parkinson’s every day.
NeuroDerm is proud to support this event and we encourage you to attend, to participate, and most importantly, to listen and learn.
Free Admission | This event will be in Hebrew | Organized by Prof. Sharon Hassin-Baer (SMC, TAU), Dr. Yael Manor (TASMC), Prof. Nir Giladi (TASMC, TAU), Prof. Karen Avraham (TAU), Mr. Eyal Levi (IPA) | Click here for program and details>